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Migrate Incremental Data from MySQL-Compatible Databases

This document describes how to migrate incremental data from MySQL-compatible databases to TiDB Cloud.

Before you begin

Before you perform incremental data migration, you should have finished full data migration from MySQL-compatible databases to TiDB Cloud. For more information, see Migrate Data from MySQL-Compatible Databases.

Step 1. Deploy a DM cluster

The TiDB Cloud console does not provide incremental data migration feature yet. You need to deploy TiDB Data Migration (DM) manually to perform incremental migration to TiDB Cloud. For installation steps, see Deploy a DM Cluster Using TiUP.

Step 2. Create a data source configuration file

You need to create a data source configuration file first. The data source is a MySQL instance that you want to migrate data from. The following is an example of creating a data source configuration file. You need to replace the MySQL IP address, port, user name, and password values in the file with your own values.

# Encrypt MySQL password
[root@localhost ~]# tiup dmctl encrypt {mysq-user-password}

[root@localhost ~]# cat dm-source1.yaml
# MySQL Configuration.
source-id: "mysql-replica-01"

# Configures whether DM-worker uses the global transaction identifier (GTID) to pull binlogs.
# To enable this mode, the upstream MySQL must also enable GTID.
# If the upstream MySQL service is configured to switch master between different nodes automatically, GTID mode is required.
enable-gtid: true

  host: ""
  user: "user01"
  password: "mZMkdjbRztSag6qEgoh8UkDY6X13H48="
  port: 3307

Load the data source configuration to the DM cluster using tiup dmctl by running the following command:

[root@localhost ~]# tiup dmctl --master-addr ${advertise-addr} operate-source create dm-source1.yaml

The parameters used in the command above are described as follows:

--master-addrThe {advertise-addr} of any DM-master node in the cluster where dmctl is to be connected. For example:
operate-source createLoads the data source to the DM cluster.

The following is an example output:

tiup is checking updates for component dmctl ...
Starting component `dmctl`: /root/.tiup/components/dmctl/v6.0.0/dmctl/dmctl /root/.tiup/components/dmctl/v6.0.0/dmctl/dmctl --master-addr operate-source create dm-source1.yaml
    "result": true,
    "msg": "",
    "sources": [
            "result": true,
            "msg": "",
            "source": "mysql-replica-01",
            "worker": "dm-"

Step 3. Create a migration task

Create a dm-task1.yaml file for the migration. Configure the incremental migration mode and the starting point of the data source in the file.

You can find the starting point in the metadata file exported by Dumpling. For example:

# Get the contents of the metadata in the file exported by Dumpling
# Use it to configure the incremental migration starting point
# cat metadata
Started dump at: 2022-05-24 11:19:37
    Log: mysql-bin.000001
    Pos: 77092852

Finished dump at: 2022-05-24 11:19:53

Based on the above starting point information, create a migration task as follows:

## ********* Task Configuration *********
name: test-task1
# shard-mode: "pessimistic"
# Task mode. The "incremental" mode only performs incremental data migration.
task-mode: incremental
# timezone: "UTC"

## ******** Data Source Configuration **********
## (Optional) If you need to incrementally replicate data that has already been migrated in the full data migration, you need to enable the safe mode to avoid the incremental data migration error.
##  This scenario is common in the following case: the full migration data does not belong to the data source's consistency snapshot, and after that, DM starts to replicate incremental data from a position earlier than the full migration.
syncers:         # The running configurations of the sync processing unit.
  global:        # Configuration name.
  safe-mode: false   # If this field is set to true, DM changes INSERT of the data source to REPLACE for the target database, and changes UPDATE of the data source to DELETE and REPLACE for the target database. This is to ensure that when the table schema contains a primary key or unique index, DML statements can be imported repeatedly. In the first minute of starting or resuming an incremental migration task, DM automatically enables the safe mode.

  - source-id: "mysql-replica-01"
    block-allow-list:  "bw-rule-1"
    route-rules: ["route-rule-1"]
    filter-rules: ["tpcc-filter-rule"]
    syncer-config-name: "global"                   # You can use the syncers incremental data configuration above.
    meta:                                          # When task-mode is "incremental" and the target database does not have a checkpoint, DM uses the binlog position as the starting point. If the target database has a checkpoint, DM uses the checkpoint as the starting point.
    binlog-name: "mysql-bin.000001"
    binlog-pos: 77092852
    binlog-gtid: "b631bcad-bb10-11ec-9eee-fec83cf2b903:1-640"

## ******** Configuration of the target TiDB cluster on TiDB Cloud **********
target-database:    # The target TiDB cluster on TiDB Cloud
  host: ""
  port: 4000
  user: "root"
  password: "oSWRLvR3F5GDIgm+l+9h3kB72VFWBUwzOw=="     # If the password is not empty, it is recommended to use a dmctl-encrypted cipher.

## ******** Function Configuration **********
    do-dbs: ["~^tpcc.*"]

routes:                       # Table renaming rules ('routes') from upstream to downstream tables, in order to support merging different tables into a single target table.
  route-rule-1:               # Rule name.
    schema-pattern: "tpcc"    # Rule for matching upstream schema names. It supports the wildcards "*" and "?".
    target-schema: "tpdd"     # Name of the target schema.

    schema-pattern: "tpcc"
    events: ["drop database"]
    action: Ignore

##  ******** Ignore check items **********
ignore-checking-items: ["table_schema"]

For detailed task configurations, see DM Task Configurations.

To run a data migration task smoothly, DM triggers a precheck automatically at the start of the task and returns the check results. DM starts the migration only after the precheck is passed. To trigger a precheck manually, run the check-task command:

[root@localhost ~]# tiup dmctl --master-addr ${advertise-addr} check-task dm-task1.yaml

The following is an example output:

tiup is checking updates for component dmctl ...
Starting component `dmctl`: /root/.tiup/components/dmctl/v6.0.0/dmctl/dmctl /root/.tiup/components/dmctl/v6.0.0/dmctl/dmctl --master-addr check-task dm-task1.yaml
    "result": true,
    "msg": "check pass!!!"

Step 4. Start the migration task

Run the following command to start the migration task:

[root@localhost ~]# tiup dmctl --master-addr ${advertise-addr} start-task dm-task1.yaml

The parameters used in the command above are described as follows:

--master-addrThe {advertise-addr} of any DM-master node in the cluster where dmctl is to be connected. For example:
start-taskStarts the migration task.

The following is an example output:

tiup is checking updates for component dmctl ...
Starting component `dmctl`: /root/.tiup/components/dmctl/v6.0.0/dmctl/dmctl /root/.tiup/components/dmctl/v6.0.0/dmctl/dmctl --master-addr start-task dm-task1.yaml
    "result": true,
    "msg": "",
    "sources": [
           "result": true,
            "msg": "",
            "source": "mysql-replica-01",
            "worker": "dm-"
    "checkResult": ""

If the task fails to start, check the prompt message and fix the configuration. After that, you can re-run the command above to start the task.

If you encounter any problem, refer to DM error handling and DM FAQ.

Step 5. Check the migration task status

To learn whether the DM cluster has an ongoing migration task and view the task status, run the query-status command using tiup dmctl:

[root@localhost ~]# tiup dmctl --master-addr ${advertise-addr} query-status ${task-name}

The following is an example output:

tiup is checking updates for component dmctl ...
Starting component `dmctl`: /root/.tiup/components/dmctl/v6.0.0/dmctl/dmctl /root/.tiup/components/dmctl/v6.0.0/dmctl/dmctl --master-addr query-status test-task1
    "result": true,
    "msg": "",
    "sources": [
            "result": true,
            "msg": "",
            "sourceStatus": {
                "source": "mysql-replica-01",
                "worker": "dm-",
                "result": null,
                "relayStatus": null
            "subTaskStatus": [
                    "name": "test-task1",
                    "stage": "Running",
                    "unit": "Sync",
                    "result": null,
                    "unresolvedDDLLockID": "",
                    "sync": {
                        "totalEvents": "3",
                        "totalTps": "0",
                        "recentTps": "0",
                        "masterBinlog": "(mysql-bin.000001, 77093211)",
                        "masterBinlogGtid": "b631bcad-bb10-11ec-9eee-fec83cf2b903:1-641",
                        "syncerBinlog": "(mysql-bin.000001, 77093211)",
                        "syncerBinlogGtid": "b631bcad-bb10-11ec-9eee-fec83cf2b903:1-641",
                        "blockingDDLs": [
                       "unresolvedGroups": [
                        "synced": true,
                        "binlogType": "remote",
                        "secondsBehindMaster": "0",
                        "blockDDLOwner": "",
                     "conflictMsg": ""

For a detailed interpretation of the results, see Query Status.

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