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Topology Configuration File for TiDB Deployment Using TiUP

To deploy or scale TiDB using TiUP, you need to provide a topology file (sample) to describe the cluster topology.

Similarly, to modify the cluster topology, you need to modify the topology file. The difference is that, after the cluster is deployed, you can only modify a part of the fields in the topology file. This document introduces each section of the topology file and each field in each section.

File structure

A topology configuration file for TiDB deployment using TiUP might contain the following sections:

  • global: The cluster's global configuration. Some of the configuration items use the default values and you can configure them separately in each instance.
  • monitored: Configuration for monitoring services, namely, the blackbox_exporter and the node_exporter. On each machine, a node_exporter and a blackbox_exporter are deployed.
  • server_configs: Components' global configuration. You can configure each component separately. If an instance has a configuration item with the same name, the instance's configuration item will take effect.
  • pd_servers: The configuration of the PD instance. This configuration specifies the machines to which the PD component is deployed.
  • tidb_servers: The configuration of the TiDB instance. This configuration specifies the machines to which the TiDB component is deployed.
  • tikv_servers: The configuration of the TiKV instance. This configuration specifies the machines to which the TiKV component is deployed.
  • tiflash_servers: The configuration of the TiFlash instance. This configuration specifies the machines to which the TiFlash component is deployed.
  • pump_servers: The configuration of the Pump instance. This configuration specifies the machines to which the Pump component is deployed.
  • drainer_servers: The configuration of the Drainer instance. This configuration specifies the machines to which the Drainer component is deployed.
  • cdc_servers: The configuration of the TiCDC instance. This configuration specifies the machines to which the TiCDC component is deployed.
  • tispark_masters: The configuration of the TiSpark master instance. This configuration specifies the machines to which the TiSpark master component is deployed. Only one node of TiSpark master can be deployed.
  • tispark_workers: The configuration of the TiSpark worker instance. This configuration specifies the machines to which the TiSpark worker component is deployed.
  • monitoring_servers: Specifies the machines to which Prometheus and NGMonitoring are deployed. TiUP supports deploying multiple Prometheus instances but only the first instance is used.
  • grafana_servers: The configuration of the Grafana instance. This configuration specifies the machines to which Grafana is deployed.
  • alertmanager_servers: The configuration of the Alertmanager instance. This configuration specifies the machines to which Alertmanager is deployed.


The global section corresponds to the cluster's global configuration and has the following fields:

  • user: The user used to start the deployed cluster. The default value is "tidb". If the user specified in the <user> field does not exist on the target machine, this user is automatically created.

  • group: The user group to which a user belongs. It is specified when the user is created. The value defaults to that of the <user> field. If the specified group does not exist, it is automatically created.

  • ssh_port: Specifies the SSH port to connect to the target machine for operations. The default value is 22.

  • enable_tls: Specifies whether to enable TLS for the cluster. After TLS is enabled, the generated TLS certificate must be used for connections between components or between the client and the component. Once it is enabled, it cannot be disabled. The default value is false.

  • deploy_dir: The deployment directory of each component. The default value is "deployed". Its application rules are as follows:

    • If the absolute path of deploy_dir is configured at the instance level, the actual deployment directory is deploy_dir configured for the instance.

    • For each instance, if you do not configure deploy_dir, its default value is the relative path <component-name>-<component-port>.

    • If global.deploy_dir is an absolute path, the component is deployed to the <global.deploy_dir>/<instance.deploy_dir> directory.

    • If global.deploy_dir is a relative path, the component is deployed to the /home/<global.user>/<global.deploy_dir>/<instance.deploy_dir> directory.

  • data_dir: The data directory. Default value: "data". Its application rules are as follows:

    • If the absolute path of data_dir is configured at the instance level, the actual deployment directory is data_dir configured for the instance.

    • For each instance, if you do not configure data_dir, its default value is <global.data_dir>.

    • If data_dir is a relative path, the component data is placed in <deploy_dir>/<data_dir>. For the calculation rules of <deploy_dir>, see the application rules of the deploy_dir field.

  • log_dir: The log directory. Default value: "log". Its application rules are as follows:

    • If the absolute path log_dir is configured at the instance level, the actual log directory is the log_dir configured for the instance.

    • For each instance, if you not configure log_dir, its default value is <global.log_dir>.

    • If log_dir is a relative path, the component log is placed in <deploy_dir>/<log_dir>. For the calculation rules of <deploy_dir>, see the application rules of the deploy_dir field.

  • os: The operating system of the target machine. The field controls which operating system to adapt to for the components pushed to the target machine. The default value is "linux".

  • arch: The CPU architecture of the target machine. The field controls which platform to adapt to for the binary packages pushed to the target machine. The supported values are "amd64" and "arm64". The default value is "amd64".

  • resource_control: Runtime resource control. All configurations in this field are written into the service file of systemd. There is no limit by default. The resources that can be controlled are as follows:

    • memory_limit: Limits the maximum runtime memory. For example, "2G" means that the maximum memory of 2 GB can be used.

    • cpu_quota: Limits the maximum CPU usage at runtime. For example, "200%".

    • io_read_bandwidth_max: Limits the maximum I/O bandwidth for disk reads. For example, "/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0 100M".

    • io_write_bandwidth_max: Limits maximum I/O bandwidth for disk writes. For example, /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0 100M.

    • limit_core: Controls the size of core dump.

A global configuration example is as follows:

  user: "tidb"
    memory_limit: "2G"

In the above configuration, the tidb user is used to start the cluster. At the same time, each component is restricted to a maximum of 2 GB of memory when it is running.


monitored is used to configure the monitoring service on the target machine: node_exporter and blackbox_exporter. The following fields are included:

  • node_exporter_port: The service port of node_exporter. The default value is 9100.

  • blackbox_exporter_port: The service port of blackbox_exporter. The default value is 9115.

  • deploy_dir: Specifies the deployment directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the directory is generated according to the deploy_dir directory configured in global.

  • data_dir: Specifies the data directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the directory is generated according to the data_dir directory configured in global.

  • log_dir: Specifies the log directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the log is generated according to the log_dir directory configured in global.

A monitored configuration example is as follows:

  node_exporter_port: 9100
  blackbox_exporter_port: 9115

The above configuration specifies that node_exporter uses the 9100 port and blackbox_exporter uses the 9115 port.


server_configs is used to configure services and to generate configuration files for each component. Similar to the global section, the configuration of this section can be overwritten by the configurations with the same names in an instance. server_configs mainly includes the following fields:

  • tidb: TiDB service-related configuration. For the complete configuration, see TiDB configuration file.

  • tikv: TiKV service-related configuration. For the complete configuration, see TiKV configuration file.

  • pd: PD service-related configuration. For the complete configuration, see PD configuration file.

  • tiflash: TiFlash service-related configuration. For the complete configuration, see TiFlash configuration file.

  • tiflash_learner: Each TiFlash node has a special built-in TiKV. This configuration item is used to configure this special TiKV. It is generally not recommended to modify the content under this configuration item.

  • pump: Pump service-related configuration. For the complete configuration, see TiDB Binlog configuration file.

  • drainer: Drainer service-related configuration. For the complete configuration, see TiDB Binlog configuration file.

  • cdc: TiCDC service-related configuration. For the complete configuration, see Deploy TiCDC.

A server_configs configuration example is as follows:

    run-ddl: true
    lease: "45s"
    split-table: true
    token-limit: 1000
    log-level: "info"
    readpool.unified.min-thread-count: 1

The above configuration specifies the global configuration of TiDB and TiKV.


pd_servers specifies the machines to which PD services are deployed. It also specifies the service configuration on each machine. pd_servers is an array, and each element of the array contains the following fields:

  • host: Specifies the machine to which the PD services are deployed. The field value is an IP address and is mandatory.

  • listen_host: When the machine has multiple IP addresses, listen_host specifies the listening IP address of the service. The default value is

  • ssh_port: Specifies the SSH port to connect to the target machine for operations. If it is not specified, the ssh_port of the global section is used.

  • name: Specifies the name of the PD instance. Different instances must have unique names; otherwise, instances cannot be deployed.

  • client_port: Specifies the port that PD uses to connect to the client. The default value is 2379.

  • peer_port: Specifies the port for communication between PDs. The default value is 2380.

  • deploy_dir: Specifies the deployment directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the directory is generated according to the deploy_dir directory configured in global.

  • data_dir: Specifies the data directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the directory is generated according to the data_dir directory configured in global.

  • log_dir: Specifies the log directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the log is generated according to the log_dir directory configured in global.

  • numa_node: Allocates the NUMA policy to the instance. Before specifying this field, you need to make sure that the target machine has numactl installed. If this field is specified, cpubind and membind policies are allocated using numactl. This field is the string type. The field value is the ID of the NUMA node, such as "0,1".

  • config: The configuration rule of this field is the same as the pd configuration rule in server_configs. If this field is configured, the field content is merged with the pd content in server_configs (if the two fields overlap, the content of this field takes effect). Then, a configuration file is generated and sent to the machine specified in host.

  • os: The operating system of the machine specified in host. If this field is not specified, the default value is the os value in global.

  • arch: The architecture of the machine specified in host. If this field is not specified, the default value is the arch value in global.

  • resource_control: Resource control for the service. If this field is configured, the field content is merged with the resource_control content in global (if the two fields overlap, the content of this field takes effect). Then, a systemd configuration file is generated and sent to the machine specified in host. The configuration rules of resource_control are the same as the resource_control content in global.

For the above fields, you cannot modify these configured fields after the deployment:

  • host
  • listen_host
  • name
  • client_port
  • peer_port
  • deploy_dir
  • data_dir
  • log_dir
  • arch
  • os

A pd_servers configuration example is as follows:

  - host:
      schedule.max-merge-region-size: 20
      schedule.max-merge-region-keys: 200000
  - host:

The above configuration specifies that PD will be deployed on and, and makes specific configurations for the PD of


tidb_servers specifies the machines to which TiDB services are deployed. It also specifies the service configuration on each machine. tidb_servers is an array, and each element of the array contains the following fields:

  • host: Specifies the machine to which the TiDB services are deployed. The field value is an IP address and is mandatory.

  • listen_host: When the machine has multiple IP addresses, listen_host specifies the listening IP address of the service. The default value is

  • ssh_port: Specifies the SSH port to connect to the target machine for operations. If it is not specified, the ssh_port of the global section is used.

  • port: The listening port of TiDB services, which is used to provide connection to the MySQL client. The default value is 4000.

  • status_port: The listening port of the TiDB status service, which is used to view the status of the TiDB services from the external via HTTP requests. The default value is 10080.

  • deploy_dir: Specifies the deployment directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the directory is generated according to the deploy_dir directory configured in global.

  • log_dir: Specifies the log directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the log is generated according to the log_dir directory configured in global.

  • numa_node: Allocates the NUMA policy to the instance. Before specifying this field, you need to make sure that the target machine has numactl installed. If this field is specified, cpubind and membind policies are allocated using numactl. This field is the string type. The field value is the ID of the NUMA node, such as "0,1".

  • config: The configuration rule of this field is the same as the tidb configuration rule in server_configs. If this field is configured, the field content is merged with the tidb content in server_configs (if the two fields overlap, the content of this field takes effect). Then, a configuration file is generated and sent to the machine specified in host.

  • os: The operating system of the machine specified in host. If this field is not specified, the default value is the os value in global.

  • arch: The architecture of the machine specified in host. If this field is not specified, the default value is the arch value in global.

  • resource_control: Resource control for the service. If this field is configured, the field content is merged with the resource_control content in global (if the two fields overlap, the content of this field takes effect). Then, a systemd configuration file is generated and sent to the machine specified in host. The configuration rules of resource_control are the same as the resource_control content in global.

For the above fields, you cannot modify these configured fields after the deployment:

  • host
  • listen_host
  • port
  • status_port
  • deploy_dir
  • log_dir
  • arch
  • os

A tidb_servers configuration example is as follows:

  - host:
      log.level: warn
      log.slow-query-file: tidb-slow-overwrited.log
  - host:


tikv_servers specifies the machines to which TiKV services are deployed. It also specifies the service configuration on each machine. tikv_servers is an array, and each element of the array contains the following fields:

  • host: Specifies the machine to which the TiKV services are deployed. The field value is an IP address and is mandatory.

  • listen_host: When the machine has multiple IP addresses, listen_host specifies the listening IP address of the service. The default value is

  • ssh_port: Specifies the SSH port to connect to the target machine for operations. If it is not specified, the ssh_port of the global section is used.

  • port: The listening port of the TiKV services. The default value is 20160.

  • status_port: The listening port of the TiKV status service. The default value is 20180.

  • deploy_dir: Specifies the deployment directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the directory is generated according to the deploy_dir directory configured in global.

  • data_dir: Specifies the data directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the directory is generated according to the data_dir directory configured in global.

  • log_dir: Specifies the log directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the log is generated according to the log_dir directory configured in global.

  • numa_node: Allocates the NUMA policy to the instance. Before specifying this field, you need to make sure that the target machine has numactl installed. If this field is specified, cpubind and membind policies are allocated using numactl. This field is the string type. The field value is the ID of the NUMA node, such as "0,1".

  • config: The configuration rule of this field is the same as the tikv configuration rule in server_configs. If this field is configured, the field content is merged with the tikv content in server_configs (if the two fields overlap, the content of this field takes effect). Then, a configuration file is generated and sent to the machine specified in host.

  • os: The operating system of the machine specified in host. If this field is not specified, the default value is the os value in global.

  • arch: The architecture of the machine specified in host. If this field is not specified, the default value is the arch value in global.

  • resource_control: Resource control for the service. If this field is configured, the field content is merged with the resource_control content in global (if the two fields overlap, the content of this field takes effect). Then, a systemd configuration file is generated and sent to the machine specified in host. The configuration rules of resource_control are the same as the resource_control content in global.

For the above fields, you cannot modify these configured fields after the deployment:

  • host
  • listen_host
  • port
  • status_port
  • deploy_dir
  • data_dir
  • log_dir
  • arch
  • os

A tikv_servers configuration example is as follows:

  - host:
      server.labels: { zone: "zone1", host: "host1" }
  - host:
      server.labels: { zone: "zone1", host: "host2" }


tiflash_servers specifies the machines to which TiFlash services are deployed. It also specifies the service configuration on each machine. This section is an array, and each element of the array contains the following fields:

  • host: Specifies the machine to which the TiFlash services are deployed. The field value is an IP address and is mandatory.

  • ssh_port: Specifies the SSH port to connect to the target machine for operations. If it is not specified, the ssh_port of the global section is used.

  • tcp_port: The port of the TiFlash TCP service. The default value is 9000.

  • http_port: The port of the TiFlash HTTP service. The default value is 8123.

  • flash_service_port: The port via which TiFlash provides services. TiDB reads data from TiFlash via this port. The default value is 3930.

  • metrics_port: TiFlash's status port, which is used to output metric data. The default value is 8234.

  • flash_proxy_port: The port of the built-in TiKV. The default value is 20170.

  • flash_proxy_status_port: The status port of the built-in TiKV. The default value is 20292.

  • deploy_dir: Specifies the deployment directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the directory is generated according to the deploy_dir directory configured in global.

  • data_dir: Specifies the data directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the directory is generated according to the data_dir directory configured in global. TiFlash supports multiple data_dir directories separated by commas.

  • log_dir: Specifies the log directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the log is generated according to the log_dir directory configured in global.

  • tmp_path: The storage path of TiFlash temporary files. The default value is [path or the first directory of storage.latest.dir] + "/tmp".

  • numa_node: Allocates the NUMA policy to the instance. Before specifying this field, you need to make sure that the target machine has numactl installed. If this field is specified, cpubind and membind policies are allocated using numactl. This field is the string type. The field value is the ID of the NUMA node, such as "0,1".

  • config: The configuration rule of this field is the same as the tiflash configuration rule in server_configs. If this field is configured, the field content is merged with the tiflash content in server_configs (if the two fields overlap, the content of this field takes effect). Then, a configuration file is generated and sent to the machine specified in host.

  • learner_config: Each TiFlash node has a special built-in TiKV. This configuration item is used to configure this special TiKV. It is generally not recommended to modify the content under this configuration item.

  • os: The operating system of the machine specified in host. If this field is not specified, the default value is the os value in global.

  • arch: The architecture of the machine specified in host. If this field is not specified, the default value is the arch value in global.

  • resource_control: Resource control for the service. If this field is configured, the field content is merged with the resource_control content in global (if the two fields overlap, the content of this field takes effect). Then, a systemd configuration file is generated and sent to the machine specified in host. The configuration rules of resource_control are the same as the resource_control content in global.

After the deployment, for the fields above, you can only add directories to data_dir; for the fields below, you cannot modified these fields:

  • host
  • tcp_port
  • http_port
  • flash_service_port
  • flash_proxy_port
  • flash_proxy_status_port
  • metrics_port
  • deploy_dir
  • log_dir
  • tmp_path
  • arch
  • os

A tiflash_servers configuration example is as follows:

  - host:
  - host:


pump_servers specifies the machines to which the Pump services of TiDB Binlog are deployed. It also specifies the service configuration on each machine. pump_servers is an array, and each element of the array contains the following fields:

  • host: Specifies the machine to which the Pump services are deployed. The field value is an IP address and is mandatory.

  • ssh_port: Specifies the SSH port to connect to the target machine for operations. If it is not specified, the ssh_port of the global section is used.

  • port: The listening port of the Pump services. The default value is 8250.

  • deploy_dir: Specifies the deployment directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the directory is generated according to the deploy_dir directory configured in global.

  • data_dir: Specifies the data directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the directory is generated according to the data_dir directory configured in global.

  • log_dir: Specifies the log directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the log is generated according to the log_dir directory configured in global.

  • numa_node: Allocates the NUMA policy to the instance. Before specifying this field, you need to make sure that the target machine has numactl installed. If this field is specified, cpubind and membind policies are allocated using numactl. This field is the string type. The field value is the ID of the NUMA node, such as "0,1".

  • config: The configuration rule of this field is the same as the pump configuration rule in server_configs. If this field is configured, the field content is merged with the pump content in server_configs (if the two fields overlap, the content of this field takes effect). Then, a configuration file is generated and sent to the machine specified in host.

  • os: The operating system of the machine specified in host. If this field is not specified, the default value is the os value in global.

  • arch: The architecture of the machine specified in host. If this field is not specified, the default value is the arch value in global.

  • resource_control: Resource control for the service. If this field is configured, the field content is merged with the resource_control content in global (if the two fields overlap, the content of this field takes effect). Then, a systemd configuration file is generated and sent to the machine specified in host. The configuration rules of resource_control are the same as the resource_control content in global.

For the above fields, you cannot modify these configured fields after the deployment:

  • host
  • port
  • deploy_dir
  • data_dir
  • log_dir
  • arch
  • os

A pump_servers configuration example is as follows:

  - host:
      gc: 7
  - host:


drainer_servers specifies the machines to which the Drainer services of TiDB Binlog are deployed. It also specifies the service configuration on each machine. drainer_servers is an array. Each array element contains the following fields:

  • host: Specifies the machine to which the Drainer services are deployed. The field value is an IP address and is mandatory.

  • ssh_port: Specifies the SSH port to connect to the target machine for operations. If it is not specified, the ssh_port of the global section is used.

  • port: The listening port of Drainer services. The default value is 8249.

  • deploy_dir: Specifies the deployment directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the directory is generated according to the deploy_dir directory configured in global.

  • data_dir: Specifies the data directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the directory is generated according to the data_dir directory configured in global.

  • log_dir: Specifies the log directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the log is generated according to the log_dir directory configured in global.

  • commit_ts (deprecated): When Drainer starts, it reads the checkpoint. If Drainer gets no checkpoint, it uses this field as the replication time point for the initial startup. This field defaults to -1 (Drainer always gets the latest timestamp from the PD as the commit_ts).

  • numa_node: Allocates the NUMA policy to the instance. Before specifying this field, you need to make sure that the target machine has numactl installed. If this field is specified, cpubind and membind policies are allocated using numactl. This field is the string type. The field value is the ID of the NUMA node, such as "0,1".

  • config: The configuration rule of this field is the same as the drainer configuration rule in server_configs. If this field is configured, the field content is merged with the drainer content in server_configs (if the two fields overlap, the content of this field takes effect). Then, a configuration file is generated and sent to the machine specified in host.

  • os: The operating system of the machine specified in host. If this field is not specified, the default value is the os value in global.

  • arch: The architecture of the machine specified in host. If this field is not specified, the default value is the arch value in global.

  • resource_control: Resource control for the service. If this field is configured, the field content is merged with the resource_control content in global (if the two fields overlap, the content of this field takes effect). Then, a systemd configuration file is generated and sent to the machine specified in host. The configuration rules of resource_control are the same as the resource_control content in global.

For the above fields, you cannot modify these configured fields after the deployment:

  • host
  • port
  • deploy_dir
  • data_dir
  • log_dir
  • arch
  • os

The commit_ts field is deprecated since TiUP v1.9.2 and is not recorded in the starting script of Drainer. If you still need to use this field, refer to the following example to configure the initial-commit-ts field in config.

A drainer_servers configuration example is as follows:

  - host:
      initial-commit-ts: -1
      syncer.db-type: "mysql" "" "root" "" 3306
        - db-name: test
          tbl-name: log
        - db-name: test
          tbl-name: audit


cdc_servers specifies the machines to which the TiCDC services are deployed. It also specifies the service configuration on each machine. cdc_servers is an array. Each array element contains the following fields:

  • host: Specifies the machine to which the TiCDC services are deployed. The field value is an IP address and is mandatory.

  • ssh_port: Specifies the SSH port to connect to the target machine for operations. If it is not specified, the ssh_port of the global section is used.

  • port: The listening port of the TiCDC services. The default value is 8300.

  • deploy_dir: Specifies the deployment directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the directory is generated according to the deploy_dir directory configured in global.

  • data_dir: Specifies the data directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the directory is generated according to the data_dir directory configured in global.

  • log_dir: Specifies the log directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the log is generated according to the log_dir directory configured in global.

  • gc-ttl: The Time To Live (TTL) duration of the service level GC safepoint set by TiCDC in PD, in seconds. The default value is 86400, which is 24 hours.

  • tz: The time zone that the TiCDC services use. TiCDC uses this time zone when internally converting time data types such as timestamp and when replicating data to the downstream. The default value is the local time zone where the process runs.

  • numa_node: Allocates the NUMA policy to the instance. Before specifying this field, you need to make sure that the target machine has numactl installed. If this field is specified, cpubind and membind policies are allocated using numactl. This field is the string type. The field value is the ID of the NUMA node, such as "0,1".

  • config: The field content is merged with the cdc content in server_configs (if the two fields overlap, the content of this field takes effect). Then, a configuration file is generated and sent to the machine specified in host.

  • os: The operating system of the machine specified in host. If this field is not specified, the default value is the os value in global.

  • arch: The architecture of the machine specified in host. If this field is not specified, the default value is the arch value in global.

  • resource_control: Resource control for the service. If this field is configured, the field content is merged with the resource_control content in global (if the two fields overlap, the content of this field takes effect). Then, a systemd configuration file is generated and sent to the machine specified in host. The configuration rules of resource_control are the same as the resource_control content in global.

For the above fields, you cannot modify these configured fields after the deployment:

  • host
  • port
  • deploy_dir
  • data_dir
  • log_dir
  • arch
  • os

A cdc_servers configuration example is as follows:

  - host:
    gc-ttl: 86400
    data_dir: "/cdc-data"
  - host:
    gc-ttl: 86400
    data_dir: "/cdc-data"


tispark_masters specifies the machines to which the master node of TiSpark is deployed. It also specifies the service configuration on each machine. tispark_masters is an array. Each array element contains the following fields:

  • host: Specifies the machine to which the TiSpark master is deployed. The field value is an IP address and is mandatory.

  • listen_host: When the machine has multiple IP addresses, listen_host specifies the listening IP address of the service. The default value is

  • ssh_port: Specifies the SSH port to connect to the target machine for operations. If it is not specified, the ssh_port of the global section is used.

  • port: Spark's listening port, used for communication before the node. The default value is 7077.

  • web_port: Spark's web port, which provides web services and the task status. The default value is 8080.

  • deploy_dir: Specifies the deployment directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the directory is generated according to the deploy_dir directory configured in global.

  • java_home: Specifies the path of the JRE environment to be used. This parameter corresponds to the JAVA_HOME system environment variable.

  • spark_config: Configures to configure the TiSpark services. Then, a configuration file is generated and sent to the machine specified in host.

  • spark_env: Configures the environment variables when Spark starts.

  • os: The operating system of the machine specified in host. If this field is not specified, the default value is the os value in global.

  • arch: The architecture of the machine specified in host. If this field is not specified, the default value is the arch value in global.

For the above fields, you cannot modify these configured fields after the deployment:

  • host
  • listen_host
  • port
  • web_port
  • deploy_dir
  • arch
  • os

A tispark_masters configuration example is as follows:

  - host:
      spark.driver.memory: "2g"
      spark.eventLog.enabled: "False"
      spark.tispark.grpc.framesize: 2147483647
      spark.tispark.grpc.timeout_in_sec: 100
      spark.tispark.meta.reload_period_in_sec: 60
      spark.tispark.request.command.priority: "Low"
      spark.tispark.table.scan_concurrency: 256
  - host:


tispark_workers specifies the machines to which the worker nodes of TiSpark are deployed. It also specifies the service configuration on each machine. tispark_workers is an array. Each array element contains the following fields:

  • host: Specifies the machine to which the TiSpark workers are deployed. The field value is an IP address and is mandatory.

  • listen_host: When the machine has multiple IP addresses, listen_host specifies the listening IP address of the service. The default value is

  • ssh_port: Specifies the SSH port to connect to the target machine for operations. If it is not specified, the ssh_port of the global section is used.

  • port: Spark's listening port, used for communication before the node. The default value is 7077.

  • web_port: Spark's web port, which provides web services and the task status. The default value is 8080.

  • deploy_dir: Specifies the deployment directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the directory is generated according to the deploy_dir directory configured in global.

  • java_home: Specifies the path in which the JRE environment to be used is located. This parameter corresponds to the JAVA_HOME system environment variable.

  • os: The operating system of the machine specified in host. If this field is not specified, the default value is the os value in global.

  • arch: The architecture of the machine specified in host. If this field is not specified, the default value is the arch value in global.

For the above fields, you cannot modify these configured fields after the deployment:

  • host
  • listen_host
  • port
  • web_port
  • deploy_dir
  • arch
  • os

A tispark_workers configuration example is as follows:

  - host:
  - host:


monitoring_servers specifies the machines to which the Prometheus services are deployed. It also specifies the service configuration on each machine. monitoring_servers is an array. Each array element contains the following fields:

  • host: Specifies the machine to which the monitoring services are deployed. The field value is an IP address and is mandatory.

  • ng_port: Specifies the SSH port connecting to NGMonitoring. Introduced in TiUP v1.7.0, this field supports Continuous Profiling and Top SQL in TiDB 5.3.0 and above.

  • ssh_port: Specifies the SSH port to connect to the target machine for operations. If it is not specified, the ssh_port of the global section is used.

  • port: The listening port of the Prometheus services. The default value is 9090.

  • deploy_dir: Specifies the deployment directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the directory is generated according to the deploy_dir directory configured in global.

  • data_dir: Specifies the data directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the directory is generated according to the data_dir directory configured in global.

  • log_dir: Specifies the log directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the log is generated according to the log_dir directory configured in global.

  • numa_node: Allocates the NUMA policy to the instance. Before specifying this field, you need to make sure that the target machine has numactl installed. If this field is specified, cpubind and membind policies are allocated using numactl. This field is the string type. The field value is the ID of the NUMA node, such as "0,1".

  • storage_retention: The retention time of the Prometheus monitoring data. The default value is "30d".

  • rule_dir: Specifies a local directory that should contain complete *.rules.yml files. These files are transferred to the target machine during the initialization phase of the cluster configuration as the rules for Prometheus.

  • remote_config: Supports writing Prometheus data to the remote, or reading data from the remote. This field has two configurations:

  • external_alertmanagers: If the external_alertmanagers field is configured, Prometheus alerts the configuration behavior to the Alertmanager that is outside the cluster. This field is an array, each element of which is an external Alertmanager and consists of the host and web_port fields.

  • os: The operating system of the machine specified in host. If this field is not specified, the default value is the os value in global.

  • arch: The architecture of the machine specified in host. If this field is not specified, the default value is the arch value in global.

  • resource_control: Resource control for the service. If this field is configured, the field content is merged with the resource_control content in global (if the two fields overlap, the content of this field takes effect). Then, a systemd configuration file is generated and sent to the machine specified in host. The configuration rules of resource_control are the same as the resource_control content in global.

For the above fields, you cannot modify these configured fields after the deployment:

  • host
  • port
  • deploy_dir
  • data_dir
  • log_dir
  • arch
  • os

A monitoring_servers configuration example is as follows:

  - host:
    rule_dir: /local/rule/dir
      - queue_config:
          batch_send_deadline: 5m
          capacity: 100000
          max_samples_per_send: 10000
          max_shards: 300
      - url:
      - host:
        web_port: 9093
      - host:
        web_port: 9094


grafana_servers specifies the machines to which the Grafana services are deployed. It also specifies the service configuration on each machine. grafana_servers is an array. Each array element contains the following fields:

  • host: Specifies the machine to which the Grafana services are deployed. The field value is an IP address and is mandatory.

  • ssh_port: Specifies the SSH port to connect to the target machine for operations. If it is not specified, the ssh_port of the global section is used.

  • port: The listening port of the Grafana services. The default value is 3000.

  • deploy_dir: Specifies the deployment directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the directory is generated according to the deploy_dir directory configured in global.

  • os: The operating system of the machine specified in host. If this field is not specified, the default value is the os value in global.

  • arch: The architecture of the machine specified in host. If this field is not specified, the default value is the arch value in global.

  • username: The user name on the Grafana login interface.

  • password: The password corresponding to Grafana.

  • dashboard_dir: Specifies a local directory that should contain complete dashboard(*.json) files. These files are transferred to the target machine during the initialization phase of the cluster configuration as the dashboards for Grafana.

  • resource_control: Resource control for the service. If this field is configured, the field content is merged with the resource_control content in global (if the two fields overlap, the content of this field takes effect). Then, a systemd configuration file is generated and sent to the machine specified in host. The configuration rules of resource_control are the same as the resource_control content in global.

For the above fields, you cannot modify these configured fields after the deployment:

  • host
  • port
  • deploy_dir
  • arch
  • os

A grafana_servers configuration example is as follows:

  - host:
    dashboard_dir: /local/dashboard/dir


alertmanager_servers specifies the machines to which the Alertmanager services are deployed. It also specifies the service configuration on each machine. alertmanager_servers is an array. Each array element contains the following fields:

  • host: Specifies the machine to which the Alertmanager services are deployed. The field value is an IP address and is mandatory.

  • ssh_port: Specifies the SSH port to connect to the target machine for operations. If it is not specified, the ssh_port of the global section is used.

  • web_port: Specifies the port used that Alertmanager uses to provide web services. The default value is 9093.

  • cluster_port: Specifies the communication port between one Alertmanger and other Alertmanager. The default value is 9094.

  • deploy_dir: Specifies the deployment directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the directory is generated according to the deploy_dir directory configured in global.

  • data_dir: Specifies the data directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the directory is generated according to the data_dir directory configured in global.

  • log_dir: Specifies the log directory. If it is not specified or specified as a relative directory, the log is generated according to the log_dir directory configured in global.

  • numa_node: Allocates the NUMA policy to the instance. Before specifying this field, you need to make sure that the target machine has numactl installed. If this field is specified, cpubind and membind policies are allocated using numactl. This field is the string type. The field value is the ID of the NUMA node, such as "0,1".

  • config_file: Specifies a local file that is transferred to the target machine during the initialization phase of the cluster configuration as the configuration of Alertmanager.

  • os: The operating system of the machine specified in host. If this field is not specified, the default value is the os value in global.

  • arch: The architecture of the machine specified in host. If this field is not specified, the default value is the arch value in global.

  • resource_control: Resource control for the service. If this field is configured, the field content is merged with the resource_control content in global (if the two fields overlap, the content of this field takes effect). Then, a systemd configuration file is generated and sent to the machine specified in host. The configuration rules of resource_control are the same as the resource_control content in global.

For the above fields, you cannot modify these configured fields after the deployment:

  • host
  • web_port
  • cluster_port
  • deploy_dir
  • data_dir
  • log_dir
  • arch
  • os

A alertmanager_servers configuration example is as follows:

  - host:
    config_file: /local/config/file
  - host:
    config_file: /local/config/file
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