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TiDB Lightning FAQs

This document lists the frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers about TiDB Lightning.

What is the minimum TiDB/TiKV/PD cluster version supported by TiDB Lightning?

The version of TiDB Lightning should be the same as the cluster. If you use the Local-backend mode, the earliest available version is 4.0.0. If you use the Importer-backend mode or the TiDB-backend mode, the earliest available version is 2.0.9, but it is recommended to use the 3.0 stable version.

Does TiDB Lightning support importing multiple schemas (databases)?


What are the privilege requirements for the target database?

For details about the permissions, see Prerequisites for using TiDB Lightning.

TiDB Lightning encountered an error when importing one table. Will it affect other tables? Will the process be terminated?

If only one table has an error encountered, the rest will still be processed normally.

How to properly restart TiDB Lightning?

If you are using Importer-backend, depending on the status of tikv-importer, the basic sequence of restarting TiDB Lightning is like this:

If tikv-importer is still running:

  1. Stop tidb-lightning.
  2. Perform the intended modifications, such as fixing the source data, changing settings, replacing hardware etc.
  3. If the modification previously has changed any table, remove the corresponding checkpoint too.
  4. Start tidb-lightning.

If tikv-importer needs to be restarted:

  1. Stop tidb-lightning.
  2. Stop tikv-importer.
  3. Perform the intended modifications, such as fixing the source data, changing settings, replacing hardware etc.
  4. Start tikv-importer.
  5. Start tidb-lightning and wait until the program fails with CHECKSUM error, if any.
    • Restarting tikv-importer would destroy all engine files still being written, but tidb-lightning did not know about it. As of v3.0 the simplest way is to let tidb-lightning go on and retry.
  6. Destroy the failed tables and checkpoints
  7. Start tidb-lightning again.

If you are using Local-backend or TiDB-backend, the operations are the same as those of using Importer-backend when the tikv-importer is still running.

How to ensure the integrity of the imported data?

TiDB Lightning by default performs checksum on the local data source and the imported tables. If there is checksum mismatch, the process would be aborted. These checksum information can be read from the log.

You could also execute the ADMIN CHECKSUM TABLE SQL command on the target table to recompute the checksum of the imported data.

ADMIN CHECKSUM TABLE `schema`.`table`;
| Db_name | Table_name | Checksum_crc64_xor  | Total_kvs | Total_bytes |
| schema  | table      | 5505282386844578743 |         3 |          96 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

What kinds of data source formats are supported by TiDB Lightning?

TiDB Lightning supports:

Could TiDB Lightning skip creating schema and tables?

Starting from v5.1, TiDB Lightning can automatically recognize the schema and tables in the downstream. If you use TiDB Lightning earlier than v5.1, you need to set no-schema = true in the [mydumper] section in tidb-lightning.toml. This makes TiDB Lightning skip the CREATE TABLE invocations and fetch the metadata directly from the target database. TiDB Lightning will exit with error if a table is actually missing.

Can the Strict SQL Mode be disabled to allow importing invalid data?

Yes. By default, the sql_mode used by TiDB Lightning is "STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION", which disallows invalid data such as the date 1970-00-00. The mode can be changed by modifying the sql-mode setting in the [tidb] section in tidb-lightning.toml.

sql-mode = ""

Can one tikv-importer serve multiple tidb-lightning instances?

Yes, as long as every tidb-lightning instance operates on different tables.

How to stop the tikv-importer process?

To stop the tikv-importer process, you can choose the corresponding operation according to your deployment method.

  • For manual deployment: if tikv-importer is running in foreground, press Ctrl+C to exit. Otherwise, obtain the process ID using the ps aux | grep tikv-importer command and then terminate the process using the kill ${PID} command.

How to stop the tidb-lightning process?

To stop the tidb-lightning process, you can choose the corresponding operation according to your deployment method.

  • For manual deployment: if tidb-lightning is running in foreground, press Ctrl+C to exit. Otherwise, obtain the process ID using the ps aux | grep tidb-lighting command and then terminate the process using the kill -2 ${PID} command.

Can TiDB Lightning be used with 1-Gigabit network card?

TiDB Lightning is best used with a 10-Gigabit network card.

1-Gigabit network cards can only provide a total bandwidth of 120 MB/s, which has to be shared among all target TiKV stores. TiDB Lightning can easily saturate all bandwidth of the 1-Gigabit network in physical import mode and bring down the cluster because PD is unable to be contacted anymore.

Why TiDB Lightning requires so much free space in the target TiKV cluster?

With the default settings of 3 replicas, the space requirement of the target TiKV cluster is 6 times the size of data source. The extra multiple of "2" is a conservative estimation because the following factors are not reflected in the data source:

  • The space occupied by indices
  • Space amplification in RocksDB

Can TiKV Importer be restarted while TiDB Lightning is running?

No. TiKV Importer stores some information of engines in memory. If tikv-importer is restarted, tidb-lightning will be stopped due to lost connection. At this point, you need to destroy the failed checkpoints as those TiKV Importer-specific information is lost. You can restart TiDB Lightning afterwards.

See also How to properly restart TiDB Lightning? for the correct sequence.

How to completely destroy all intermediate data associated with TiDB Lightning?

  1. Delete the checkpoint file.

    tidb-lightning-ctl --config conf/tidb-lightning.toml --checkpoint-remove=all

    If, for some reason, you cannot run this command, try manually deleting the file /tmp/tidb_lightning_checkpoint.pb.

  2. If you are using Local-backend, delete the sorted-kv-dir directory in the configuration. If you are using Importer-backend, delete the entire import directory on the machine hosting tikv-importer.

  3. Delete all tables and databases created on the TiDB cluster, if needed.

  4. Clean up the residual metadata. You need to clean up the metadata schema manually if either of the following conditions exist.

    • For TiDB Lightning v5.1.x and v5.2.x versions, the tidb-lightning-ctl command does not clean up the metadata schema in the target cluster. You need to clean it up manually.
    • If you have deleted the checkpoint files manually, you need to clean up the downstream metadata schema manually; otherwise, the correctness of subsequent imports might be affected.

    Use the following command to clean up the metadata:

    DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `lightning_metadata`;

How to get the runtime goroutine information of TiDB Lightning

  1. If status-port has been specified in the configuration file of TiDB Lightning, skip this step. Otherwise, you need to send the USR1 signal to TiDB Lightning to enable status-port.

    Get the process ID (PID) of TiDB Lightning using commands like ps, and then run the following command:

    kill -USR1 <lightning-pid>

    Check the log of TiDB Lightning. The log of starting HTTP server / start HTTP server / started HTTP server shows the newly enabled status-port.

  2. Access http://<lightning-ip>:<status-port>/debug/pprof/goroutine?debug=2 to get the goroutine information.

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