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TiDB 5.2.4 Release Notes

Release Date: April 26, 2022

TiDB version: 5.2.4

Compatibility change(s)


  • TiKV

    • Transfer the leadership to CDC observer to reduce latency jitter #12111
    • Reduce the TiCDC recovery time by reducing the number of the Regions that require the Resolve Locks step #11993
    • Update the proc filesystem (procfs) to v0.12.0 #11702
    • Speed up the Garbage Collection (GC) process by increasing the write batch size when performing GC to Raft logs #11404
    • Increase the speed of inserting SST files by moving the verification process to the Import thread pool from the Apply thread pool #11239
  • Tools

    • TiCDC

      • Change the default value of Kafka Sink partition-num to 3 so that TiCDC distributes messages across Kafka partitions more evenly #3337
      • Reduce the time for the KV client to recover when a TiKV store is down #3191
      • Add a Lag analyze panel in Grafana #4891
      • Expose configuration parameters of the Kafka producer to make them configurable in TiCDC #4385
      • Add the exponential backoff mechanism for restarting a changefeed #3329
      • Reduce the count of "EventFeed retry rate limited" logs #4006
      • Set the default value of max-message-bytes to 10M #4041
      • Add more Prometheus and Grafana monitoring metrics and alerts, including no owner alert, mounter row, table sink total row, and buffer sink total row #4054 #1606
      • Support multiple Kubernetes clusters in Grafana dashboards #4665
      • Add catch-up ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) to the changefeed checkpoint monitoring metric #5232

Bug fixes

  • TiDB

    • Fix wrong range calculation results for Nulleq function on Enum values #32428
    • Fix the issue that INDEX HASH JOIN returns the send on closed channel error #31129
    • Fix the issue that concurrent column type change causes inconsistency between the schema and the data #31048
    • Fix the issue of potential data index inconsistency in optimistic transaction mode #30410
    • Fix the issue that a SQL operation is canceled when its JSON type column joins its CHAR type column #29401
    • Fix the issue that window functions might return different results when using a transaction or not #29947
    • Fix the issue that the Column 'col_name' in field list is ambiguous error is reported unexpectedly when a SQL statement contains natural join #25041
    • Fix the issue that the length information is wrong when casting Decimal to String #29417
    • Fix the issue that the GREATEST function returns inconsistent results due to different values of tidb_enable_vectorized_expression (set to on or off) #29434
    • Fix wrong results of deleting data of multiple tables using left join #31321
    • Fix a bug that TiDB may dispatch duplicate tasks to TiFlash #32814
    • Fix the MPP task list empty error when executing a query #31636
    • Fix wrong results of index join caused by an innerWorker panic #31494
    • Fix the issue that executing the INSERT ... SELECT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement gets panic #28078
    • Fix wrong query results due to the optimization of Order By #30271
    • Fix the wrong result that might occur when performing JOIN on ENUM type columns #27831
    • Fix the panic when using the CASE WHEN function on the ENUM data type #29357
    • Fix wrong results of the microsecond function in vectorized expressions #29244
    • Fix the issue that the window function causes TiDB to panic instead of reporting an error #30326
    • Fix the issue that the Merge Join operator gets wrong results in certain cases #33042
    • Fix the issue that TiDB gets a wrong result when a correlated subquery returns a constant #32089
    • Fix the issue that TiDB writes wrong data due to the wrong encoding of the ENUM or SET column #32302
    • Fix the issue that the MAX or MIN function on the ENUM or SET column returns a wrong result when the new collation is enabled in TiDB #31638
    • Fix the issue that the IndexHashJoin operator does not exit successfully #31062
    • Fix the issue that TiDB might read wrong data when a table has a virtual column #30965
    • Fix the issue that the setting of the log level does not take effect on the slow query log #30309
    • Fix the issue that partitioned tables cannot fully use indexes to scan data in some cases #33966
    • Fix the issue that the background HTTP service of TiDB might not exit successfully and makes the cluster in an abnormal state #30571
    • Fix the issue that TiDB might unexpectedly output many logs of failed authentication #29709
    • Fix the issue that the system variable max_allowed_packet does not take effect #31422
    • Fix the issue that the REPLACE statement incorrectly changes other rows when the auto ID is out of range #29483
    • Fix the issue that the slow query log cannot output log normally and might consume too much memory #32656
    • Fix the issue that the result of NATURAL JOIN might include unexpected columns #24981
    • Fix the issue that using ORDER BY and LIMIT together in one statement might output wrong results if a prefix-column index is used to query data #29711
    • Fix the issue that the DOUBLE type auto-increment column might be changed when the optimistic transaction retries #29892
    • Fix the issue that the STR_TO_DATE function cannot handle the preceding zero of the microsecond part correctly #30078
    • Fix the issue that TiDB gets the wrong result when using TiFlash to scan tables with empty range although TiFlash does not support reading tables with empty range yet #33083
  • TiKV

    • Fix a bug that stale messages cause TiKV to panic #12023
    • Fix the issue of intermittent packet loss and out of memory (OOM) caused by the overflow of memory metrics #12160
    • Fix the potential panic issue that occurs when TiKV performs profiling on Ubuntu 18.04 #9765
    • Fix the issue that tikv-ctl returns an incorrect result due to its wrong string match #12329
    • Fix a bug that replica reads might violate the linearizability #12109
    • Fix a bug that TiKV might panic if it has been running for 2 years or more #11940
    • Fix the issue of QPS drop when flow control is enabled and level0_slowdown_trigger is set explicitly #11424
    • Fix the panic issue that occurs when the cgroup controller is not mounted #11569
    • Fix possible metadata corruption caused by Region merge on a lagging Region peer #11526
    • Fix the issue that the latency of Resolved TS increases after TiKV stops operating #11351
    • Fix a panic issue that occurs when Region merge, ConfChange, and Snapshot happen at the same time in extreme conditions #11475
    • Fix a bug that tikv-ctl cannot return the correct Region-related information #11393
    • Fix the issue of negative sign when the decimal divide result is zero #29586
    • Fix the issue that retrying prewrite requests in the pessimistic transaction mode might cause the risk of data inconsistency in rare cases #11187
    • Fix a memory leak caused by monitoring data of statistics threads #11195
    • Fix the issue that the average latency of the by-instance gRPC requests is inaccurate in TiKV metrics #11299
    • Fix the panic issue caused by deleting snapshot files when the peer status is Applying #11746
    • Fix a bug that TiKV cannot delete a range of data (which means the internal command unsafe_destroy_range is executed) when the GC worker is busy #11903
    • Fix the issue that deleting an uninitialized replica might cause an old replica to be recreated #10533
    • Fix the issue that TiKV cannot detect the memory lock when TiKV performs a reverse table scan #11440
    • Fix the deadlock issue that happens occasionally when coroutines run too fast #11549
    • Fix the issue that destroying a peer might cause high latency #10210
    • Fix the issue that TiKV panics and destroys peers unexpectedly because the target Region to be merged is invalid #12232
    • Fix the TiKV panic issue that occurs when the target peer is replaced with the peer that is destroyed without being initialized when merging a Region #12048
    • Fix the TiKV panic issue that occurs when applying snapshot is aborted #11618
    • Fix a bug that TiKV cannot correctly calculate the number of snapshots being sent when the operator execution fails #11341
  • PD

    • Fix the issue that the Region scatterer scheduling lost some peers #4565
    • Fix the issue that the cold hotspot data cannot be deleted from the hotspot statistics #4390
  • TiFlash

    • Fix a bug that MPP tasks might leak threads forever #4238
    • Fix the issue that the result of IN is incorrect in multi-value expressions #4016
    • Fix the issue that the date format identifies '\n' as an invalid separator #4036
    • Fix the potential query error after adding columns under heavy read workload #3967
    • Fix the bug that invalid storage directory configurations lead to unexpected behaviors #4093
    • Fix the bug that some exceptions are not handled properly #4101
    • Fix the bug that the STR_TO_DATE() function incorrectly handles leading zeros when parsing microseconds #3557
    • Fix the issue that casting INT to DECIMAL might cause overflow #3920
    • Fix the wrong result that occurs when casting DATETIME to DECIMAL #4151
    • Fix the overflow that occurs when casting FLOAT to DECIMAL #3998
    • Fix the issue that the CastStringAsReal behavior is inconsistent in TiFlash and in TiDB or TiKV #3475
    • Fix the issue that the CastStringAsDecimal behavior is inconsistent in TiFlash and in TiDB or TiKV #3619
    • Fix the issue that TiFlash might return the EstablishMPPConnection error after it is restarted #3615
    • Fix the issue that obsolete data cannot be reclaimed after setting the number of TiFlash replicas to 0 #3659
    • Fix potential data inconsistency when widening the primary key column with the primary key being handle #3569
    • Fix possible parsing errors when an SQL statement contains extremely long nested expressions #3354
    • Fix possible wrong results when a query contains the where <string> clause #3447
    • Fix possible wrong results when new_collations_enabled_on_first_bootstrap is enabled #3388, #3391
    • Fix the panic issue that occurs when TLS is enabled #4196
    • Fix the panic issue that occurs when the memory limit is enabled #3902
    • Fix the issue that TiFlash crashes occasionally when an MPP query is stopped #3401
    • Fix the unexpected error of Unexpected type of column: Nullable(Nothing) #3351
    • Fix possible metadata corruption caused by Region merge on a lagging Region peer #4437
    • Fix the issue that a query containing JOIN might be hung if an error occurs #4195
    • Fix possible wrong results returned for MPP queries due to incorrect execution plans #3389
  • Tools

    • Backup & Restore (BR)

      • Fix the issue that BR fails to back up RawKV #32607
    • TiCDC

      • Fix the issue that default values cannot be replicated #3793
      • Fix a bug that sequence is incorrectly replicated in some cases #4563
      • Fix a bug that a TiCDC node exits abnormally when a PD leader is killed #4248
      • Fix a bug that MySQL sink generates duplicated replace SQL statements when batch-replace-enable is disabled #4501
      • Fix the issue of panic and data inconsistency that occurs when outputting the default column value #3929
      • Fix the issue that mq sink write row does not have monitoring data #3431
      • Fix the issue that replication cannot be performed when min.insync.replicas is smaller than replication-factor #3994
      • Fix the potential panic issue that occurs when a replication task is removed #3128
      • Fix the bug that HTTP API panics when the required processor information does not exist #3840
      • Fix the issue of potential data loss caused by inaccurate checkpoint #3545
      • Fix the potential issue that the deadlock causes a replication task to get stuck #4055
      • Fix the TiCDC panic issue that occurs when manually cleaning the task status in etcd #2980
      • Fix the issue that special comments in DDL statements cause the replication task to stop #3755
      • Fix the issue of replication stop caused by the incorrect configuration of config.Metadata.Timeout #3352
      • Fix the issue that the service cannot be started because of a timezone issue in the RHEL release #3584
      • Fix the issue that stopped changefeeds resume automatically after a cluster upgrade #3473
      • Fix the issue of overly frequent warnings caused by MySQL sink deadlock #2706
      • Fix the bug that the enable-old-value configuration item is not automatically set to true on Canal and Maxwell protocols #3676
      • Fix the issue that Avro sink does not support parsing JSON type columns #3624
      • Fix the negative value error in the changefeed checkpoint lag #3010
      • Fix the OOM issue in the container environment #1798
      • Fix the memory leak issue after processing DDLs #3174
      • Fix the issue that changefeed gets stuck when tables are repeatedly scheduled in the same node #4464
      • Fix a bug that querying status through open API may be blocked when the PD node is abnormal #4778
      • Fix incorrect metrics caused by owner changes #4774
      • Fix a stability problem in workerpool used by Unified Sorter #4447
      • Fix the issue that the cached region monitoring metric is negative #4300
    • TiDB Lightning

      • Fix the issue of wrong import result that occurs when TiDB Lightning does not have the privilege to access the mysql.tidb table #31088
      • Fix the checksum error "GC life time is shorter than transaction duration" #32733
      • Fix a bug that TiDB Lightning may not delete the metadata schema when some import tasks do not contain source files #28144
      • Fix the issue that TiDB Lightning does not report errors when the S3 storage path does not exist #28031 #30709
      • Fix an error that occurs when iterating more than 1000 keys on GCS #30377
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